BlueOnyx 5207R/5208R Beta release

Posted by: mstauber Category: General

ISO images and OpenVZ OS templates for BlueOnyx 5207R and 5208R (with the new GUI) have been released today.

Team BlueOnyx is proud to announce that the immediate BETA-release of BlueOnyx 5207R (32-bit) and BlueOnyx 5208R (64-bit) with the new Chorizo GUI.

ISO images and OS templates can be found in the download section on the webpage.

We encourage you to test out the new BlueOnyx versions and to use the built in "Bugreport" feature (under "Software Updates" / "Support") to report any problems that you may encounter.

BlueOnyx 5207R and 5208R are already in productive usage on several important servers of our own and have been since the late Alpha stage. So far the most critical bugs are gone, but there are always some things that are hard to spot as usage cases and scenarios differ.

It is possible to upgrade an existing BlueOnyx 5107R or 5108R to the new GUI. The mechanism for that involves just installing the new "blueonyx-yumconf" RPM, doing a "yum update" and running the script /usr/sausalito/sbin/ as root from SSH.

However: If you have any third party software (from the BlueOnyx Shop, Solarspeed Shop or Compass Networks Shop) installed on your BlueOnyx, then you should not yet perform such an upgrade. Please wait until we have released updated versions of the PKGs that are ready for BlueOnyx 5207R and BlueOnyx 5208R. Otherwise you will loose the GUI pages for managing the third party software until the time that updated PKGs for the third party software become available.

Please let us know what you think about the new BlueOnyx GUI interface and post your impressions on the BlueOnyx mailing list.

Allow me to express a few words and thoughts about the development process so far:

The new Chorizo-GUI represents 1 year, 9 months and 25 days of development by a single person (663 days). In that time I moved twice. Once from Germany to Colombia and once in Colombia from one apartment block to another. There have been phases where I was really hard pressed to find the time and the right environment to code my way through a few of the more complex problems that this endeavor provided. And there were a few of them.

Chorizo itself builds on a foundation that has been laid over the last 15 years by the guys of Cobalt Networks Inc. (most noteably Kevin Chiu!), BlueQuartz (Hisao Shibuya) and others who have carried the torch in the last one and a half decade and/or contributed bits and pieces here and there. Too many to mention, really.

Chorizo wouldn't be Chorizo without the Adminica Theme, which was created by Oisin Lavery of Tricicle Labs:

Lastly, Chorizo most defenitely wouldn't be Chorizo if Dirk Estenfeld from Black Point Arts Internet Solutions GmbH hadn't sprung the idea, the inspiration and (together with the BlueOnyx community) provided the much needed funding to help me pull this one off.

And there are my good friends Chris Gebhardt from VIRTBIZ Internet Services and Uwe Stache from Ltd., who for so many years have provided the infrastructure, hardware and bandwith to support the BlueOnyx Project with rock solid and top notch hosting. If you need hosting, then these are the places you want to go to.

Then there are the BlueOnyx users, who have supported this project through many ups and downs and who - with great compassion - contributed ideas, time and money to the project whenever needed. People like Meaulnes Legler, who (almost singlehandedly) translated the GUI into French. Which was a real effort considering the amount of text. There are just too many to mention. So what else can I say, but this:

Thanks a million to ALL BlueOnyx users! Enjoy the new BlueOnyx release!
With best regards,
Michael Stauber
Team BlueOnyx

Jul 16, 2014 Category: General Posted by: mstauber
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